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How can we help tech-savvy young folks to reduce food wastage?
‍Introducing, BuySmart.

By analyzing users’ buying and consumption patterns, the app provides data-backed recommendations to regulate and optimize πŸ›’ grocery buying behavior. The application integrates fridge πŸ—„οΈ and pantry inventory into a single platform making data accessibility easy and efficient. In addition to its intelligent capabilities like competent shopping support πŸ₯•, shelf-life estimation βŒ›, and smart recipe suggestions.πŸ‘¨πŸ³


Nibedita Paul - Founder & Market Researcher,
Anushi Abhay Mandelecha- UX Researcher,
Srihari Narayan Rajashekar - UX Designer,
Kristen Tarbutton -UX Designer,
Chaman Gupta (PhD Materials Science & Engr)- Data scientist


March 13-30th, 2023
15 days

Environmental Innovation Challenge 2023 πŸ†

The Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge at the University of Washington taps into the passion, smarts, and motivation that university students have for solving environmental/cleantech problems.

After making it through the screening round,
BuySmart was one of the 21 teams to enter the Final round of EIC 2023.

My Contributions

  • Led User Experience & Interface Design

    Led the team of three throughout Ideation to Clickable prototype.

    User & Market Research

    Conducted In-depth interviews, desk research and Competitive analysis

    Graphic Design & Branding

    Logo, color palettes and poster designs

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My stories are best told in visually rich, wider screens. Thanks xD
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But, why?

Why do we need BuySmart? πŸ₯•

A survey by BuySmart found that 100% of respondents don't use any app to manage their groceries, despite challenges in managing household inventory and multiple app options. After primary and secondary research, the main issue was found to be proposed solutions relying on user input, which users don't incorporate into their daily lives and therefore lack motivation to continue using the apps.

Research πŸ”¬

For the Environmental Innovation Challenge, the business proposal stating the features, pain points and market opportunities were submitted for the screening round.

Research Goals πŸš€


To study apps, products or other workarounds that help households optimally use food and reduce wastage.


To understand the current barriers and enablers in food waste management and grocery shopping.


To understand how acceptable would it be for a user to manually engage with an application for a larger good (save money, reduce wastage, reduce carbon footprint)


To understand the household kitchen wastage ecosystem - learn about how users currently shop for food products and what gaps do they find in their consumption behaviors.

Primary Research πŸ•΅οΈ

Firstly, Surveys.


Acquire Quantitative information on how metrics like occupation, age, living situation etc affect consumption patterns

it also helped us understand how much wastage, how frequent, what goes waste frequently We were also curious about have the used any other apps and how that experience was.
Who? We aimed for a sample size of ~70 and got 65 participants.

Survey : Key Findings πŸ”Ž


Top three most wasted food categories were:
Produce ( fruits, vegetables )
Dairy, eggs, & cheese.
Bread & Bakery.


Top three reasons to waste food were
Difficulty in meal planning & Recipe ideas.
Lost in pantry or fridge.


one-third of the participants admitted to wasting food,
rating their level of waste at a 4 on a scale of 1 to 5.

Secondly, In-Depth Interviews. πŸ—£οΈ


To gain more nuanced inputs on the perceptions, attitudes and opinions people had on food wastage and consumption

We made sure we interviewed people across various demographics mentioned in the surveys to gain a wide spectrum of information
We interviewed ~10 people from different living situations across different ages, ethnicities, marital statuses such as…
Student + 2 roommates ( 1 Adult - South asian )
Employed adult ( 1 Adult Β - American )
Older adult - retired ( 1 Adult - American )
Newly-married couple ( 2 Adults - Hispanic )
Family of three ( 2 Adults, 1 children - Mixed race )
Family of four ( 2 Adults, 2 children - South asian )

Based on our IDI data, the UX research team affinitized the findings, which helped identify common themes and patterns, leading to the creation of two user personas.

User Personas πŸ™Ž

Ideation πŸ’‘

Let's talk design.

Brainstorming 🧠

All team members gathered together and took 30-45 min to read through the findings from the interviews. We also discussed the persona and its challenges/motivations - which gave all team members a better idea of our potential customers.

Now, we took a 25 min quick brainstorm session to come up with feature suggestions and write it on post it notes,
which helped us rapidly come up with ideas.

Filtering using
Dot-Voting method

Next, we categorized the features into broad categories: Meal planning, Recipes, Gamification, Shopping, Inventory, Alerts/Notifications.
Now, we used the dot-voting method for all of us to go through everyone’s ideas and vote for the ones they feel work better. Later, for the post-its with zero votes, we as a team talked and discussed to see if they should be eliminated or considered.

Effort - Impact Matrix πŸ“Š

Since it was a limited time project, we found this method to be effective in finding out what are the ideal features to implement in Version One.

To further funnel down ideas,
we used the effort-impact matrix and categorized the ideas based on where they fall effort and impact wise.. We let go of the high effort - low impact ideas and talked through the high effort / high impact ideas.


If given more time, I would’ve ideally wanted to come up with Design principles to filter out ideal features & ideas. This would have helped us come up with better criteria than effort & impact.

Now that we had our ideal features, we started to collaborate on the user flow & journey.

whiteboard discussions β†’ wireframes β†’ mid/hi-fidelity prototypes

Design Iterations 🧐

Whiteboarding the User Flow

Deep discussions and review of what must is the ideal customer journey, keeping in mind border case scenarios too

Whiteboard discussions were an amazing way for all team members to contribute on the specific elements of the user flow

User Flows 〰️


The onboarding section is fairly simple, with the addition of a "create room" feature where same hposuehold members can join together as one group to share lists

User Flow

The User flow mainly comprised of 4 sections

Whiteboard discussions were an amazing way for all team members to contribute on the specific elements of the user flow

Shopping List

The shopping list is where you can add stuff you have in mind to buy later. it also contains Shopping mode to ease your grocery shopping!


The inventory keeps record of the elements present in the kitchen today, with shelf life to prevent food wastage


Recipes contains suggested recipes based on what is expiring soon and the ingredients in the inventory.

Meal Planner

The Meal planner contains recipes on a calendar so people can plan ahead and buy groceries for the week easily

    Take a peak πŸ‘€

    For example, this is the shopping list flow

    Whiteboard discussions were an amazing way for all team members to contribute on the specific elements of the user flow

    Wireframes πŸ“‹

    Low-fi wireframes

    Deep discussions and review of what must is the ideal customer journey, keeping in mind border case scenarios too

    Whiteboard discussions were an amazing way for all team members to contribute on the specific elements of the user flow
    quick glimse of paper prototypes

    High- fidelity Prototypes πŸ“²

    Let's walk through the app



    Initial screens while welcoming new user

    Creating account and forming a new "household"




    Shopping List

    Adding things to shopping list by importing from an image.

    Entering Shopping mode...



    Using up groceries on time gives you points!



    To develop intrinsic motivation, we implemented gamification elements that aligned to the user's common goal of Saving Money.

    Environmental Innovation Challenge 2023 - D-Day πŸ†

    Alaska Airlines’ Environmental Innovative Challenge is for Innovative and entrepreneurial students who are the best hope for solving some of the world’s most pressing environmental problems. BuySmart was one of the 21 teams showcasing the product at Seattle Center, Seattle on Mar 30th./

    Glimpse of our booth πŸ’«

    Judges across various disciplines - like angel investors, business analysts, product managers, information architects, marketing experts etc came booth by booth to ask questions around the product and see the demo

    We also made astoryboardto walk people through the app quickly

    Future Considerations & Challenges 🎯

    How to take this forward and what to keep in mind while doing so.

    Addressing the biggest challenge:

    How to motivate users enough to input data consistently to keep the inventory (almost) accurate?

    Though we have answered it through some areas:
    - Accepting receipts as input
    - Scanning written notes as input
    - Use voice notes to update the inventory, using wearables & smart home devices
    - Gamifying the process - to cultivate intrinsic motivation

    In future iterations, I want to answer the following questions and come up with better solutions.



    Leading a design team & ownership
    I had to train two other designers. Hearing their suggestions, refining them to fit our problem space, kindly accessing it and kindly rejected ideas that didn’t sound good enough.


    Balancing business & user-centered goals
    Working withmarketing professionals helped me understand the commercial viability of the product we are creating and gave me holistic approach


    Scoping project to given time & resources
    As we had very limited time, we had to set a scope eventhough we had many creative ideas


    Power of micro-interactions
    I learnt how to use variants and micro-interactions in figma in creating delightful, sleek experiences to retain customer engagement

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